Registry of Payment Information (REPI)
Registry of Payment Information REPI is a useful tool for verifying the riskiness and trustworthiness of companies, entrepreneurs and individuals based on unique non-public payment information shared between registry members. It contains information on bill payments and installment services such as financial loans, deferred payments, utility, housing, mobile or data and cable services.
If you want to avoid unpleasant situations with paying your debts by checking the payment record of your clients in the REPI registry, become a member.
Based on the billing data provided by your clients, the analysis will show you, for example, payment settings, payment delays and the total turnaround time of your receivables. In particular, we will analyse paid and outstanding invoices.
We provide the analysis on a one-off basis or periodically on the basis of updated documents. You will receive the output in the form of a Tableau export.
With the help of this analysis, you will be able to decide who to start providing services only in the form of cash payment, who to tighten the payment terms and who, on the other hand, you can continue to trust and keep the normal payment mode.

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